Tuesday, March 31, 2009

of stress..

in a few hours, i am going to enter the exam room....
it will be an epic moment.
i will pour a culmination of my study hours on to a white sheet of paper..just for marks..grades...a bright destined future for graduation..bla bla bla..

during this time...funny thoughts fly around my brain..
if only i studied harder...
i shouldn't have watched too many animes
shouldn't read too many manga's
shouldn't facebook too much

however..i do think that if i am able to keep calm..i am going to be fine..
i rmb the days when i used to just get all so stressed
only to find that getting involved in it just wasn't worth the time..
and so people actually do claim, our true colors come out when we are stressed. i think that's just pure crap. but who does have a leash on theories and paradoxes? no one...

owh well i hope i do well ( abit confident on this one)...


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