Sunday, March 8, 2009


one trimester of the year is coming to an end....awaiting 2 more till the end of a tumultuous year and behold...i am still beholding the wonders of dying to another chapter of myself...another chapter of selfish gain and wants..

it took me time to appreciate U2's Joshua Tree album...but how really does become nostalgic..or even ironic..

there seems to be a tension of communicating Christianity intellectually..empirical- ism's are just yesterdays....we are probably on the brink of something..finally after years of wait..probably even the whole tent-making missionary endeavor will probably go down the drains in want of something more effective then just a social worker cleaning up garbage hoping for ignorant third world or two-thirds world citizens to respond to the 'quiet' gospel.

success lies in the eye of pure definition...titles..glamour..even leadership are subject to all lies in how much we earn it...rather than the talk that comes after earning it..seemingly everyone can do what everyone else is doing...soooo there should be a fine line to its the how that separates us..from each other.. an issue we all handle...not just an excuse..even an excuse to transit is transiting don't need to be an air waitress transiting from tokyo to kuala lumpur to tamil nadu in 12 hours to learn the meaning of transit..or transiting.. he is Mr.Anonymous...he is neutral..always have the scope of gender...except Jesus Christ...he is a pure testosteroned dominant homo sapien. how did God become anonymous? all roads lead to Rome? or is there still an existing the way, the truth and the life?

boggling..stressful and downright annoying...i hope to keep this blog alive with some tales and responses to questions maybe...coz guess what?

Life is just like a vadai


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