Tuesday, March 24, 2009

of Trends...

i have thought, what? on the topic of what runs through the minds of online boutique owners..
and why?..


why arent there much quality? out of the tons, why only 1 or 2 that's original, pure and creative.
the rest have obnoxious words, unworkable designs that either shrink or disappear in water, lousy service, and even the cutting for their clothing...it all makes pasar malam sound like east india or a levi's boutique. all those that i mention are based on the scale of their blogs being such a turn off....their choices of clothing and accessories are just BAD...their models look like illegal indonesian maids that have escaped a big bush fire...their quality sucks...and their prices are just so darn unreasonable you might as well drive down and buy stuff yourself. i mean why buy it online when you can get it a shop? plus it doesn't take a genius to source out where do these cats get their materials from? some research and walah!

NO..dont worry! i haven't gotten the skirt i want to badly....of course i didn't buy them..but i have been looking around..and i must say there is only 1 or 2 thats good...

back to my thoughts...its cold now and i m just blogging before heading back to the books..it will be a long sleepless night...but it would suffice to just blog i guess...i do think our level of entrepreneurship sucks...it figures why there are the chun ones..and the lousy ones..no in between's....

the thing about trends its cross levelled. you have it on the internet...you have it at work..you have it in college...you have it in your underwear drawer...you have it in religion...

but what makes or breaks a trend would be..i guess defining your trend and working best to fit the context of the culture you want your trend to break into? makes sense? who knows?

4.50am...and it's time to get my heart beating for another rollercoaster ride...


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