Saturday, April 4, 2009

of homelessness..

"home is where your heart is.."

have i been homeless? i actually do remember the nomadic lifestyle, a privileged enterprise i embarked on when i was in my younger days with my parents. we didn't have a place to settle down for a while. well that was during the early days. i bet some of us can relate to the shifts of time, places, and painted walls on a regular basis.

but nomadic just doesn't seem to fit the more physical bill too. i do think nomadic can also be that irk, itch or bump we get whenever we are just so unsatisfied with our current lifestyle, probably even our monthly pay check, the routine calls of the workforce and those other things we pursuit, the temporary matters of life.

i stumbled upon the whole foxes have holes, birds have nest but the son of man has no place to rest line in the bible during my devotion. i realized that this was spoken by a God who has created the earth in the Old Testament, who has endured the pains and sins of his own creation, sent his son down to earth for a mission that would change an entire lifetime, and yet he, the son, Jesus himself blatantly mentions that he has no place to rest.


Karl Marx's utopia seemed to gave in to the cracks and leaks of its foundations and its firmament. in all attempts we did try to create either a community or a country or even a system that would make us that perfect people group. but all it had to do was get cracked, cracked by the very fact that the earth is alien.

ALIEN to us.

we have been commanded to make a radical difference, here and now. i do agree. and agree all the more. but how are we to wrestle with this irritating tension of responsibility, civic duty and the dissatisfaction of life and being alien to all that we claim ours?


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