Tuesday, March 17, 2009

in response to an intellectual faith

i tink in my post, i did mention of a demand for an intellectual faith.
in response to that, the question is why there is a need to communicate or propagate the gospel clearly, rationally to people?

here's what, take this common scenario:

we somewhat are captivated by conferences, talks and probably gigs and concerts and not too mention camps. we pay tons of ringgit, most of the time it is beyond 100 bucks. we go for them, have a good time, and probably hope that this one is just a tad bit different from the others we have gone too and just pray that God let this experience be permanent. Now it does not remain permanent does it. sooooo we go back into being frigid to spiritual matters, and we go back into that annoying syndrome of hot and cold. being just fickle and dormant...tilll hey guess what another camp and conference, we just being plain suckers for Christ that go through another cycle of it...again..and again...and again...

not wrong..definitely..but realize this, how much does it make you Christlike? we tend falter in assimilating our gospel to our very own. we ourselves don't even know how in the world should we explain our own faith experiences to our very ownselves and also those around us in an INTELLIGIBLE language.

Notice this...we use the internet...facebook..msn...and are probably efficient in handling multiple task at a time...cable tv is becoming relatively affordable and are kicking the butts off local tv channels...this means we are becoming more technologic and more aware of our surroundings..

we then need to wonder...what does this do to us and to those around us? people are demanding answers and questions regarding the Christian faith. one question is can the Contemporary Christian live Jesus Christ in a Contemporary World? Contextuality is something we all need to look into..and to unearth our brains and our God given ability to articulate His message properly and intelligibly..

so people..just dont waste time...we are all been given assignments and purposes..we know them..we dont need another booster..it times to get cracking...cracking in hopes that others may see the God in us through our works and words...


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