Monday, April 27, 2009

of the thing that inspires..

George Verwer, some may know him as the founder of Operation Mobilization. it is so interesting to know how much God uses people like them, to reach millions of people with the word of God. it all started out by giving tracts to near by mexico.

it sometimes inspires me to know that God does not work in a paradigm we set as how God should work. an interesting fact about George was his love for girls. tho he admits he did not have sex until gettin married, he used to have syndromes such as leading a girl to Christ and then having a kissing session for 2 hours. and yet at the same time his heart was still focused, still passionate on doing missions.

I mean theres so much stuff about how God wants the perfect Christian and how God will beat the crap out of you for not being holy moly and so on. but we have George who somehow abstained at one point in ministry, before getting married, but there were accounts of him during his ministry that displays his imperfections.

i like that, i think we need more HUMAN people doing God's work, not bimbotic robots who just mimick others and would tryyy their very best to create change. i learnt that vulnerability and the desires to do something outweighs many things.

George Verwer your my hero of the month.


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