Tuesday, April 7, 2009

of funny things...

i read a funny personal message on MSN...it goes like this:

"i hope i see something in between"

yea i hope you do see something in between your legs, HOPEFULLY....

i am not a big fan of RPK. but his articulation of words and his ability to probe is pretty good. i must say that religious abuse is everywhere and many do not understand what they believe in, in general. whatever race they maybe or religious creed they may uphold too.

which reminds me, how many Christians do know what they believe in?

..best remain unanswered...

i think Christians fall short of even knowing what they profess in, the creed in which they believe in and want others to speak out loud and join along their bandwagon. Don't blame the Pope as the leader of this cohort of unintelligible-ish people...it is just a personal disinterest...

however i do think that life is not spiral but a progressive linear line of events...


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