Thursday, April 30, 2009

of 3.26p.m

*drum beats*
munching on some old material, the smiths to be precise. they have an unmerciful tendency of drilling catching beats and forlorn lyrics into those tiny ear drums of mine. makes listening to it just worth it.

just got two sms's confirming the venue of the classes for the next semester. bible school is an interesting place of all sorts. but it is not a place where i would like to be in. funny, it is interesting but it is not a place of choice, a freely exercised freedom to choose. freedom of choice, is there such a thing? how much control exists even to the motto of the freedom to choose? politicians...

research papers, the ever growing paper mountain. but when your comfortable, it seems you become an ace. and an ace would mean becoming lazy and monotonous. formulas are a one way ticket to hell and you will never come back. the ever reliance on formulas helps you get by, but it wouldnt make you any better or smarter.

ah! the time it is 3.26pm. conformity? i would stick to being a non-conformist. paradoxes exist, you don't need to b a high school teacher to figure that out. so as long as they exist, i would ride on the paradoxical wave and enjoy the idea of not having a clean look, tidy pants, a tucked in shirt with a leather bag and with savory words. why not? even pickpockets do that. think bout it? just non-conformity, the bliss of being different.

the darn scary...imagine the uncertainty. faith seems to be the cure, but reality knocks on the doors of your logic and reason. and then you begin to think...the future...what a mix of feelings as you even set your thoughts on it. probably you brain will blush blood red knowing that your face just can't do the job for you.

now imagine if i went thru all of the above at 3.26pm for behold it is only 2.45pm.


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