Thursday, April 9, 2009

of the great price slash...

the lady of my heart ventured into watson's to get something impromptu..
the gravity defying poster that's obediently stuck to the glass wall caught my attention..
it wrote..


ironically today is Good Friday. tons of christians around the world are celebrating it, with different styles and traditions. however we all believe that today is the day Jesus Christ died for our sins. it also carries forth a salvation call and opportunity for us, who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, to attain salvation and life after death. it means that to the Christians, it is the GREAT PRICE SLASH. we have a "GREAT PRICE SLASH" temperamental, where someone died on our behalf that we might be saved, not just anyone, but that someone.

i contemplated on what it is to actually die. we have witness tons of people, who are silent voyagers, journeying to the far beyond and to never come back with a tale or two about how interesting or dreadful it is. but just once, i decided to create that atmosphere, down right in my imagination to just for once, feel what does it feel like to experience death from a first person point of view.

i rmb once when i was down in the operation theater for a minor op, i had the opportunity to ask for a sedation to just nap while they operate my natal cleft. i asked for it, and boom, within seconds i was downright fast asleep. and then of course i woke up in the recovery room and the rest is history.

so back to the pondering, i found that it was really a scary experience. i realized that no matter how much faith i had, just like how John Wesley cowared at sinking ships, i knew that i was scared. scared to die, sacred to go to a place where there was no form of physical evidence. some may claim they aren't afraid, but is it actually scary. it is actually a norm for us to be scary.

so THE GREAT PRICE SLASH a.k.a good friday, what is it all about? is it the courage to die, and not fear death as a display of faith? or is just acknowledging the fear, acknowledging the death cycle and having to learn to place our faith daily in the hands of a God who has experienced it and triumphed over it?

..on to easterrr babbeeehhh...


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