Sunday, May 24, 2009

of tales

when we get older, our character gets warped.
we don't act ourselves.
some call it maturity or "WELCOME to the real world!" or
a simple facade waiting to explode.

back to my thoughts..
i was inspired to realize that God somehow works out the good in all things.
one dimension to leadership would be the prudent and careful approach to anything.
i realized that as leaders, God does make room for them to be careless, erroneous and probably

how thoughtful. i think we get a real glimpse of the real world
when we decide to place our thoughts on a plate, for others to criticize.
constructively of course.

and i realize that many will fail, but failure defines how successful we can be.
it would more of a head start so to say.
which i guess should be considered, besides the wanton theological ideas of success and positive reinforcements.


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