Friday, May 22, 2009

of importance..

whats considered important to you?
a good married life that is praised by the people around you? a speech that is superseded by a thundering applause? maybe compliments for your work. Or how about good grades, maybe a stable job or living on a diet, getting thin fast and looking hot?

when we are enlightened to the demands placed around us, we put up a facade every morning, every time we punch in to work or attend a lecture or even for religious obligations. does this resemble who were are? is what is important defined by the role you play behind the mask, or the consistent outliving of who you are.

i remember a climber, scaling the heights of Everest. as he got higher and higher, he became more frightened. his O2's were just fine, his body was up to the task; no frost bite. he was the perfect person to reach the summit; which he did. but instead of breathtaking awe, he uttered "it is frightening to be here, it feels sooo vulnerable!"

what is important? is it to live without a mask, feel the vulnerable of society, yet doing what is correct, what is important to us regardless of society? is this what it means to die to ourselves, to learn to be vulnerable in a vicious world?


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