Saturday, May 16, 2009

of reading into...

good classics. actually i have never liked eth's or thou's or thee's. but since i got hold of a classic written in modern english, i decided why not. it is the 'Imitation of Christ' by Thomas a Kempis. sounds funny when you say in a malay slang doesn it. AHAHAHAAH...

right, but what i decided to do with this classic lit would be simple, do not read into the text. it was that simple. so i decided to hook up the history of Mr.Kempis and then understand what governed him physically, socio-politically and also emotionally and spiritually as well. when i was done with that i decided to read it as how Mr.Kempis would.

i think that did alot of justice. i understood exactly what did he mean when he contemplated on issues revolving around life and why did he propogate such views. however, i find that alot of lit especially modern day christian lit and articles; the non-scholarly ones or you can say the pariah ones are just loads of rubbish.

take this, we may use Superman as an illustration, but what was the symbolism behind superman? the ubermensch of Nietzche? or was he the nerd cum superhero? who was clark kent? what did he embody? what did Spiderman embody? who was peter parker? what was originally the idea behind with great power comes great responsibility?

it got so annoying that there is a book produced to aid you in understanding superheroes. we somehow tend to jump into illustrations just because it is similiar to us...ON SCREEN. i guess thats what happens when we read religious texts, or for my case the bible. we never bother about the context and half bother about the content, and then we just use God's word just cause hey i somehow can relate to it. fine the bible is ment to be that way, but it would get out of hand if we use it to advise people wouldnt it? why? misapplication of context. simple.

say what you like, and you may pride yourself in writing articles; things i may not be doing. but the question would be how much sense or worth is that piece of article, when all it takes is just one word to make all the sense you need.

we need good writers, definitely. and we need that desperately. i think if this goes on, all the articles we read will be done by loonies finding their identity in things that just dont relate to them...


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