Wednesday, May 6, 2009

of lifes biggest jokes

have u tried seeing through a mosquito net? or maybe those IKEA hang mobiles that having those nets on them and a funny swedish name like BKULAX or something? kinda blurry when you see right through them right? i felt the same way....

i have realized that life is never in your own hands..having it in your hands has always come with a hefty price...even if we desire to be introverted, it is that extrovertism, that stigma which exists among one man to another that makes it difficult for us. we call it community, or a bond, a relationship. sometimes we may label it as culture or even a way of life. something that sociologists would love wasting time studying. ANTHROPOLOGY! nahhh...

some being not contented..or say...hmmm *thinks hard for a word*..YES! unsatisfied. thats lifes biggest joke. i am not sure but i do think for now it is being unsatisfied that keeps us all functioning. you want to be a policeman, you can't be a policeman, you try to find ways in being in a policeman.

but when you be the policeman, you are not happy. why? coz there were people that were hurt, look one view could be screw the people and take the job. but that damned thing called concious pulls us sorta to the people that hurt us, we want to make sure they are fine too. and i honestly do think that it is because of this concious that all of us are not living to our fullest potential. but hey lets get real, i rather we follow our concious then gettin people hurt, even if it wouldnt be that all good for us..

lifes biggest joke, it is to actually have our desires unmet. no matter how much we want it met. why? because we are human, we make humanly decisions, we live on a human earth.

this is not heaven, welcome to planet earth.


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