Wednesday, June 10, 2009

of shedding skins

it has been a busy week..or i guess i will put my thoughts down now..
rather than later...

well i am beginning to understand that we can't move on easily, pretty much like snakes unwillingly, unable to shed their skin. the simple concept of a uniform body would aid us here. they always have this proud statement of once you are a (inserts uniform body name), you are always a (insert uniform body name). even though this summarizes an ongoing, die hard slogan but it does make you look like an idiot at times right?

i mean at one point we may rant about this and that and abandon what is troublesome to us and everything that is connected to it totally. but then all it takes is one event to makes us looks like groupies..hypocrites and like faster than flash himself, we put on this uniform and we just go back to what we were....

talk about progress...probably we are prone to make progressive via the negative scale, backwards. and our post-recovery or post-moving on is just nothing but an entertainment scheme we all make up so that others maybe entertained by us, making us feel good. but when deep downside inside, nothing is changed. we don't want to loose the benefits of what we were before, we want everything. we can't face the fact that we might miss out, we become greedy.

bimbotic? foolish? the sad part is that they are key people holding key positions yet they bum the qualified ones out...and thats why we are heading backwards...
